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Goldfinches and Fiber (cats on the side)
Tuesday, 21 December 2004
nearly there
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: no music, but there is't an emoticon for lit? Honestly

So, FOUR felted bags (two sent off, one retained as not quite up to standard), THREE pairs of mittlets (look for the third pair in vain, but they are black with red trim), TWO felted slippers (well, one is felted, and the other I did today, and stuffed it inside the felted one for An Amusing Presentation), ONE very glossy scarf... and I went to the Elegant Ewe and didn't buy anything today. Because I still have my mother's socks, because I have the mitten fixings I got the other day as pre-emptive retail therapy (and both deserved and helpful it was, I must say) and because I still hope to make another pair of Mittlets for Sarah. It could happen. She has this stash of 12 skeins of Olive (nice murky green) Lamb's Pride, which I have been making her slippers out of, and I need her to come home and give me another to make mitts out of.

Meanwhile, we had snow, and 23 turkeys. I am very lucky, because many of the turkeys in my life manifest themselves as turkeys, instead of allegedly human beings, and so I know where I am. They walk like a Bangles song.

Twilly the kitten is still sneezing, but she is well enough to think she should get what she wants, like lying on the computer keys (they are nice and warm). I just had an inauthentic but very tasty Mexican meal with the ex-boyfriend, which was good for the ego and has left me stuffed and slightly lit. I may start a Latvian mitten despite the fog. And it's 19 outside, _such_ an improvement from last night, when it was -4.

Posted by rhyolightnh at 9:40 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 26 December 2004 6:35 PM EST

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